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Summer Learning Packets

Dear Parents,


From the Jewish Academy family to yours, we hope you all have an amazing summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in August. In the meantime, the Jewish Academy wants to ensure your child is  prepared for the upcoming year . Educational research consistently shows that summer learning programs help students better retain the previous years subjects and better prepares students for the upcoming grade level (The Wallace Foundation,  Making Summer Count ). We also know that when kids read over the summer, they are more likely to leap ahead when they return to school. This is often called the “ summer leap ." 


For these reasons, the Jewish Academy is  assigning each student  an optional summer English/Language Arts (ELA)  and Math learning mission . The mission packets are attached below. Be sure to  download  the appropriate  grade level assignment  for your child. Instructions for completing the ELA and Math mission can be found in the corresponding attachments. On the first day of school, students will  turn in  their Math and ELA mission to their general studies teacher for the  first assignment of the school year. Students who do not turn in the mission will not be penalized. Completion of these packets are mandatory for all Summer School students. 


Parents, you can help us prepare your student(s) for the upcoming school year in the following ways:


1)  Encourage your student(s) to read over the summer! Fix a time daily to learn with your child or motivate them to fix a time for independent reading/learning.


2)  Print out the appropriate grade level summer Math packet and ELA packet (attached below).


3)  Purchase one of the grade appropriate leveled books for your child. For more information, read the ELA Mission.


4)  Encourage your child a) to complete a page a day of the Math packet and b) to consistently read their chosen summer book toward completion of the ELA packet.


If you have any questions about the Math and ELA Mission and summer learning, feel free to reach out to our Vice Principal, Moshe Hecht at


Have a wonderful summer,

The Jewish Academy

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