Head School Welcome
It is my pleasure to be your partner in bringing out
the unique potential in your child.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to The Jewish Academy. What makes us special? America ranks 17th in Science and 25th in Mathematics, yet we spend more money on education then the rest of the world. What is going wrong? I have one observation to offer. Today the American public education is based upon principals of repetition and memorization. When I was a public school principal we were indoctrinated to teach to the test. I believe that a child does his or her best learning when thinking, creating, innovating, and participating in real projects. We will make the classroom become alive and inspire our students to enjoy every moment of engaging learning.​
My staff and I will take a personal interest into the growth and development of your child. Our school is build upon strong Jewish Values and a warm family atmosphere. It is our utmost priority to ensure that your child is safe and thriving in his or her learning environment. In my past experiences as Judaic Principal of Scheck Hillel, Principal of Ben Gamla Charter School, Rabbi of Young Israel in Aventura, and being a practicing Marriage and Family Therapist, I have learned to build one quality relationship at a time.

Jewish Values
Jewish Values are at the core of everything we teach and do at TJA
​The Jewish Academy education subscribes to the essential importance of Jewish Values. While many feel that the boundaries of a day school education are limited to knowledge and skills, we feel that it is our duty to become your partners in teaching children kindness, truth, peace, and respect. These four Jewish values are taught, practiced, and espoused in every class at The Jewish Academy. Our Judaic and General Education staff includes these values into our curriculum and even our coach ensures that every game is played in line with our Jewish Values.

Positive Behavior System

All TJA staff focus on PBS or Positive Behavioral Support. Every classroom has its own system as to how to encourage, and highlight positive behavior and thus discourage negative behaviors at the same time. Our teachers use PBS Tools such as Positive Narration, Modeling, and Hierarchical Rewards in order to build a culture of positivity in our classrooms. Even the walls of TJA are full of positive reminders for our students all throughout the school. Of course TJA does adhere to a strict discipline policy whenever necessary, yet PBS has allowed us to minimize the need for negative consequences.